A terrific day in Glendale, CA.
My first reading and book-signing for SILVER SHOES at the Mystery & Imagination Bookshop yesterday was a smashing success, if I may be so bold as to say so myself. 🙂
The reading went very well and many people were “buzzing,” asking lots of (very good) questions, and buying books afterwards. What could be better?!

The Mystery & Imagination Bookshop. 238 Brand Blvd., Glendale, CA.

Signing away! Before the signing even starts, actually. 🙂

A lovely Oz-themed cake with ruby slippers on the top. I received a HUGE apology from the cake provider, Robyn Rhodes-Knutson, that they weren’t silver!

Paul Bienvenue talks about his (really beautiful!) “Book Collector’s Guide to L. Frank Baum and Oz.” It’s both a reference book and a coffee table book with terrific full-color photos!

Robert Baum (a great-grandson!) and his wife Clare, in character as L. Frank Baum and Maud Gage Baum, performing a sketch about Frank’s creative process inventing Oz. Truly charming!

Willard Carroll speaking about his book entitled “I, Toto,” a first-person biography (aka, dog’s eye view) of the life of Terry the terrier, who played Toto in the MGM film “The Wizard of Oz.”

Jane Albright of the International Wizard of Oz Club introduces me to the audience.

The reading commences!

Wonderful friend and former co-worker Carrie Brown poses with me for a photo op after the reading!

What a fascinating man! Bob Baum, great-grandson of Oz author L. Frank Baum. We had an in-depth conversation after the event. Best of all (okay this is selfish), he bought two copies of my book and had me sign them for him. I was truly humbled and honored, and I look forward to seeing him again soon to continue our conversation. Oh, and the (very cool) tie pin he is wearing here is a gold lion’s head with emerald eyes that was custom-made for his great-grandfather!

The book display for SILVER SHOES in the Mystery & Imagination Bookshop in Glendale! It’s front and center (for now), right as you walk into the store. Before I left, I signed all of these copies. Now they’re just waiting to be bought! 🙂
Hello. I was searching for clues to my old friend ‘Paul Bienvenue’s’ whereabouts, when I found your website! My name is Shawn Medley, and Paul was one of my very best friends growing up in grade school in Chatsworth, CA. I remember his early Oz collection, and at least once or twice boldly rode the RTD with Paul all the way into downtown Hollywood to search the second-hand book shops for Oz firsts and other interesting items for Pauls then-growing collection. I liked Paul – and his family mom, dad & brother – and we were close until my family rather suddenly pulled up our roots in Chatsworth and at the age of 13, I disappeared out of Pauls’ life forever..
I would love to re-establish my contact with Paul. I now live on the island of Maui with my wife, sell real estate items for a living, and am a hoarder of things old – I am a certifiable antiques nut, with a leaning towards the early mechanical/scientific type items. I’m rambling. Anyway, neat store and please – if & when you see Paul, or if I could twist your arm to call him, I would love to chat with Paul. He was a major influence in my early life, he’s a grade older than me and boy would I like to hear from him! 🙂 Thank you so much & good day Sir – Shawn Medley
Hi, Shawn,
I saw Paul Bienvenue a couple of years ago again in Chittenango, NY, for their Oz-Stravaganza! festival. We were both guest authors. Paul is a great guy, and while we are not in touch regularly, I think I can easily pass your email and phone information (edited out of your post so it doesn’t go “public”). I will deliver it to the right person and make sure he gets it. I hope you can stay in touch with him. Paul’s recent publishing, “The Book Collector’s Guide to L. Frank Baum and Oz,” is a terrific achievement!
All the best,