
West Side Story (1961) — 4 Comments

  1. I have always seen this film as audacious and avant-garde. It remains as relevant today as it did in 1961. I cannot imagine the remake besting it in any way!

    • They sure have their work cut out for them, trying to remake this monumental achievement. Time will tell, and thanks for taking the time to comment!

  2. I’m chiming in about the Blu-ray presentation. Overall, pretty good, although there were some issues, initially, with the transition from the overture into the prologue.
    My biggest frustration, however, is that the continually money strapped MGM went cheap when it came to the audio. There had been a recent restoration of the 70mm audio elements which, I’ve heard, were stunning. But due to financial concerns, it didn’t get used on the Blu-ray. Instead they simply ported over the previous mix from the 35mm elements.
    I remember seeing a great print of this in a theatre and hearing cars driving behind me during the rumble under the highway scene. I was fascinated. I’ve never heard this in a mix since. Not that a car driving by should be my litmus test. But the music in this film is so dynamic, it does make me long to hear this restoration.

  3. Thanks for chiming in, Michael! I didn’t realize that restoration wasn’t used for the 7.1 DTS-HD mix on the Blu-ray, and that’s a shame. There is an alternate 4.0 mix as well, and I had assumed that was the “original,” but I used the default (7.1), which downsamples on my 5.1 Bose system. It sounded fine to me, with no noticeable issues, but I can only imagine what the 8-track restoration would sound like. Perhaps it’ll be used if a 4K release ever happens.

    I did know about the visual issues with the opening and the dip to black right before the title comes up on the screen. I waited until that was fixed (several months) before I purchased my Blu-ray, for that reason. I understand it’s still not perfect, but it doesn’t look like a mistake now. I do love the color changes over the line art, and it would be a shame to goof up something so simple. There are a few inconsistencies in quality on some shots, throughout. Not because of optical dissolves or anything. It just gets flat and grainy on rare occasion. I’m not sure if that has to do with the elements or the questionable restoration, or some odd treatment of the footage (like forced push-ins, which were used a lot in the early ’60s). I still think, all in all, it’s a healthy release. Considering how popular it still is, I hope it’s taken care of for years to come.

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