Can it be ten years?
The end of this month, February 25th, to be exact, marks the 10-year anniversary of my first novel “Silver Shoes. It went “live” through iUniverse on Amazon, Barnes & Nobel, and Target websites simultaneously in 2009, in both hardcover and trade paperback. As a self-published author it did pretty well, and steady sales continue to this day. The first edition is out of print now. I opted to publish directly through Amazon at a significantly reduced expense, allowing me to tinker and fix a bit of the prose (nothing major, I assure you) without paying a king’s ransom to do so. The trade paperback, Kindle, and Nook versions (the latter two weren’t available initially) are still in print today and keep me busy at events, festivals, and conventions around the country. Less than a year after it was published, my “Silver Shoes” brought me back to Kansas, where the novel was honored just weeks after I arrived with a Kansas Notable Book Award by the Center for the Book and the State Library of Kansas. It’s been a wonderful ride ever since. I thank the Oz fan community who embraced the story and have supported my continued efforts in the genre. Who knows where this adventure will take me next? I do know that after writing this book, anything is possible.

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