SILVER SHOES and THE POWDER OF LIFE now available in a combined, revised edition on Amazon!

“The Complete, Incomplete Adventures of Donald Gardner and the Silver Shoes.” Available now.
Telling the tale. That’s what is most important to me. And that is why I decided to offer these two serialized novels in a combined edition at an “attractive price,” as they used to say in vintage advertisements. I’ve also gussied them up a bit—smoothing out language, correcting minor errors, and even embellishing the prose here and there in my never-ending quest to make them as good as I possibly can, given my abilities as a mere mortal and self-published author.
These are the definitive editions of “Silver Shoes” and its sequel “The Powder of Life.” Call this the “director’s cut” of a double feature, if you will. And if you already own the first editions of each book, I am by no means advocating that you buy this new and improved printing. But if you haven’t yet taken the journey with Donald Gardner, or if you prefer things “new and improved,” this is the ideal mode.
I actually took my cue from Lewis Carroll, who elected to have his two Wonderland novels published in a combined edition shortly after they were written. I’m proud of these stories, and that’s why I am compelled to share them with as many people as possible. “Silver Shoes” was first published in 2009 and was recognized as a Kansas Notable Book in 2010 by the Kansas Center for the Book and the State Library of Kansas. Its sequel, “The Powder of Life” was published last year in 2012.
I offer them both to you now and hope you enjoy the ride!
Best always,
Paul Miles Schneider
The Complete, Incomplete Adventures … in PAPERBACK (CLICK HERE). Edit: now out of print.
Hi, Is there going to be a hardcover edition of this new revised version available at any point?
P.S. As an Oz fan, you might be interested in the newest Oz book I published:
Hi, Joe,
Thanks for writing.
I’m not planning a hardcover edition at this point. I would have to publish one through a third party and sell it at events only, since Amazon’s combined publishing arms (Createspace and Kindle Direct Publishing) don’t offer hardcovers as an option for online sales.
If there is enough of a demand later on, I might consider doing that, but one of the main reasons I released this dual-book edition is to offer the (revised) titles at a more affordable price. Self-published hardcovers are never cheap.
So my answer, as of now, is no, no plans for a hardcover.